Trust is important to us

If you have any concerns, please get in touch here.

Trust is one of our core values, we never want to lose it from you. We have 24/7 systems uptime monitoring, alert monitoring systems and a robust security system managed by Amazon Security Center's World Class Experts. We will never sell your data to third-party services.
Our monitoring systems are in place to ensure that we will stay compliant to all security best practices. Data stored on Junction Servers is encrypted both in transit and at rest, using industry-recognized algorithms.
We are hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) on US-based servers. All data is encrypted using the AWS Key Management Service Cryptographic Algorithm Library. Your data is secure at rest and in transit. We follow the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which is included in the ISO/IEC18033-3 standard
EULA & Privacy
You can read our full privacy policy here
You can read our full EULA here

"Junction is like the tool for your tools. So much customer data on a single screen! After only one month it's already helped me find a new opportunity" ~Account Executive, Twilio